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Enrique Piñeyro is not easy to categorize: doctor, airline captain,actor, producer, cinema and theatre director, and chef. From this weird professional cocktail, Flying is Human, Landing is Divine is born, a multimedia theatre show with two main objectives: to make the audience lose the fear of flying and to make it laugh a lot. The first one is not guaranteed. The second one is.

For 12 consecutive years, Flying is Human, Landing is Divine has filled the prestigious Maipo and Coliseo theatres in Buenos Aires, as well as the best theatres in the main provinces of Argentina. In Spain, it has been in Teatros del Canal in Madrid, and in theatres in Bilbao, Vigo, Avilés, Logroño, Murcia, A Coruña and Barcelona. In Italy, it has been in Teatro Lírico, a theatre in the city of Milan.

Starting with a spectacular and impressive recreation of Avianca Flight 052 accident, Piñeyro makes us reflect on how the fear of flying has been constructed. With a wicked and smart sense of humour, he talks about human error and communication failures and compares daily life and aviation. Publicity, politics, education and health are the main “victims” of Piñeyro’s sharpest irony who shows that the world would be a better place if it worked as airplanes.

With the exact recreation of a Boeing cockpit and a game of projections that turn the stage into a flight, the staging achieves a perfect fusion between cinema, theatre and a humorous monologue. Enrique Piñeyro surprises with his humour and turns this original show into a new genre which alternates, without a pause, between laugh and deep reflection. See trailer.


‘If we copied many of the things we do in aviation, this would be a more beautiful, and infinitely safer place to live, and more respectful of the rights of others’.